Call Today: (510) 328-1381
Rather than a cold shoulder and no answers, we take pride in making sure you feel heard, and know what it going on.
Rather than sending you out the door with pills and saying to wait for surgery, we create a plan to work with you and help you heal naturally.
We start every patient with an in-depth initial exam, see Initial Exam process, to get to the root cause of what you are experiencing then take time to craft a unique care plan based on your current health needs.
With multiple Chiropractors, and a variety of techniques we see everyone from geriatrics, athletes, post-surgical patients, and infants.
Get started by clicking "Contact Us" below...

The Source Chiropractic Oakland has one of the most diverse and well trained teams in the country. Our goal is to help you feel seen, heard, and empowered in natural health.

"Amazing results have become normal experiences."
See what people like you are experiencing at The Source.
Low Back Pain &
Transitional Vertebrae
Nerve Pain Gone & Off 9 Medications
Low Back Pain and Sciatica
Torn Meniscus & Knee Pain Resolved
Dolor y Tensión
en la Espalda Baja
Unable to Walk From Scoliosis and Spinal Rods
Stenosis In Low Back
& Unable To Hike
Neck Pain From Lifting
Shoulder Pain and Improved Mental Health
When you Call or Email us,
Here is what you can expect.
1. New Patient Functional Exam
"The most detailed exam in the Bay Area" a 45-minute exam to get to the root cause of what is bringing you in.
Our goal is to help you feel heard, and find how we can help.
2. Individually Crafted Care Plan
You are unique, and your care needs to be too. We take time to review your exam, your videos, and your digital posture assessment to come up with a plan that is unique to you.
We spend time to go over these with you to help you reach your goals.
3. World Class Adjustments
Leaders in the Chiropractic profession, we pride ourselves on innovative and masterful adjustments to help you break free from old habits, patterns and postures; and get back to doing the things you love.
4. Evolutional Care For Natural Health
All of our focus is on empowering you to live a life more connected to yourself and your passions.
We offer exciting workshops, online programs, and constantly evolving at home care for you to continue to grow.